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Call of Blood S2. Chapters 6-12

Writer: attashe444attashe444

Updated: Jan 7


Chapter 6

If you have Blood is ≤35: You're a powerful vampire, but your skills could be better.

If you have Psychic is ≤35: You are a powerful psychic, but your skills could be better.

If you have Blood is ≥35: You are a powerful vampire with exceptional skills!

If you have Psychic is ≥35: You are a powerful psychic with exceptional skills!

1. Medium: "..."

- I'd rather listen to Mancy. +1 Authority

- I'm not going to obey you, Mancy! +1 Emotional

2. Medium: I...

- ... must help him come to his senses! 20 neon, +1 Authority, +1 Determination, move to 2.1

- ... don't know what to do. -1 Authority, -1 Determination

2.1 Medium: ".."

- Shake him. +1 Determination

- Hug him. +1 Emotional

2.2 Medium: Fight him,..

- ... Dad! +2 Determination

- ... Clive! - uninfluenced

If you have Mancy is ≥20 - move to 3

If you have Mancy ≤20 - move to 4

3. Medium: I...

- … have to leave. -1 Mancy

- … want to hug him. +1 Mancy

- ...want to kiss him. +1 Mancy

4. Medium: I think...

- ... too much honor! - uninfluenced

- ... I have to. 15 neon, +1 Mancy

If you have saved Wilson in the previous episode - move to 5

If you haven't saved Wison in the previous episode - move to 6

5. Medium: I have to...

- ... give him some space. -1 Wilson

- ... go to him. +1 Wilson, move to 5.1

5.1 Medium: I...

- ...want to kiss him. +2 Wilson

- … want to hug him. +1 Wilson

- … will support him with words. - uninfluenced

6. Low: This is...

- ... a good idea. - uninfluenced

- ... a bad idea. - uninfluenced

7. Medium: They're just...

- ...idiots! -1 Authority 

- ...afraid. - uninfluenced

If you have chosen "I'll tell Sally the truth." in the previous episode - move to 8

If you haven't chosen "I'll tell Sally the truth." in the previous episode - move to 9

8. Medium: Sally...

- ... we will defeat Devil! +1 Determination 

- ... believe in us! +1 Emotional 

9. Medium: Harry...

- I don't want to talk about it. - uninfluenced

- I suspected her of betrayal. - uninfluenced

10. Medium: I...

- ...can't help him. -2 Emotional

- ... should support him. 15 neon, +1 Emotional, +1 Authority

11. Low: I think I'd like a...

- ...soda, too. - uninfluenced

- ...tea. - uninfluenced

- - uninfluenced

12. Medium: If I were Cassie...

- ... I would want the same thing. - uninfluenced

- ... I'd forget about those people! +1 Emotional 

13. The choice of clothes:

- Grace 25 neon, +1 Authority

- Lightness 30 neon, +1 Authority

- Balance - uninfluenced

14. The choice of hairstyle:

- Donna - uninfluenced

- Ashley/Eleni/Reya 20 neon, +1 Authority

 15. Medium: There's only one way.

- I'm an FBI agent! -2 Authority 

- To use my power! 40 Blood, +1 Blood

- To use my power! 40 Psychic, +1 Psychic

- To convince her. 80 Authority - uninfluenced 

If you have Cassie is ≥15 - move to 16 

If you have Cassie is ≤15, You and Cassie are not close. - move to 17

16. Medium: I guess...

- ... yes. 15 neon, +1 Cassie, +1 Authority - Thanks to your help, brother and sister were able to meet. 

- ... no. - uninfluenced - Because of your refusal, the brother didn't say the words Cassie really needed to hear.

17. Medium: I should... 

- give her some time. - uninfluenced 

- support her. 15 neon, +1 Cassie

18. Max: It's better to...

- honest. - uninfluenced - Is the truth always the right decision?, move to 19-21

- ...lie. 40 neon, +2 Authority, move to 18.1 then: Thanks to you, Cassie has reconnected with her father.

18.1 Medium: 

- What did you expect, huh? -1 Cassie, -1 Emotional - Those aren't exactly the words of support Cassie wanted to hear.

- It's not your fault. 20 neon, +2 Cassie, +1 Emotional

18.2 Medium: Well...

- ... our story is different. - uninfluenced 

- ... I should think about that. - uninfluenced

18.3 Medium: I think it is...

- ...too much for today. - uninfluenced

- ... a good idea. 15 neon, +1 Cassie

19. Medium: Better to... 

- ... talk to her. - uninfluenced

- ... take her hand. +1 Cassie 

- ... hug her. +2 Cassie

20. Medium: Cassie...

- It was obvious that it would happen this way! -1 Cassie, -1 Emotional - Those aren't exactly the words of support Cassie wanted to hear.

- I'm so sorry. +1 Cassie, +1 Emotional

21. High: I guess...

- ... yes. 15 neon, +1 Cassie, +1 Emotional 

- ... no. -1 Cassie

22. Low: This is...

- Sally. - uninfluenced (It's available if you have chosen "I'll tell Sally the truth." in the previous episode)

Harry. - uninfluenced (It's available if Harry have became a vampire in the previous episodes) 

- Wilson. - uninfluenced (It's available if you have saved Wilson)

Chapter 7

If you have Blood is ≥ 20: The path of Blood

If you have Blood is ≤ 20: The path of Psychic

 If you have chosen "...give me the address!" in the chapter 5, move to 1.

If you haven't chosen "...give me the address! in the chapter 5, move to 2.

1. Medium: I think...

- ...I need to bring him to his senses. +1 Harry, move to 1.1

- ...there's no time to waste. -1 Harry, -1 Emotional 

1.1 Medium: I guess, I will... 

- ... shake him up! - uninfluenced 

- ... talk to him. - uninfluenced

- ... kiss him! (The choice is available if you have Harry is ≥ 20 or you have had the intimacy with him)

2. Medium: ... 

- This is no time for emotions! -1 Harry 

- I need to support him. +1 Harry, move to 2.1

2.1 Medium: Better I'll...

- ...hold his hand. +1 Harry 

- to him. - uninfluenced 

If you have chosen "...won't say everything." in the chapter 5: -5 Harry

3. Medium: Oh, it's so...

- ... inspiring! +1 Harry 

- ... naive! -1 Harry 

4. High: I...

- ...will try to convince Phillip and get Harry's father back. +1 Authority, +1 Determination, move to 4.1

- ... don't believe Phillip can be helped. -2 Harry, -1 Determination, move to 4.2

4.1 Max: I think he...

- ... believes my words. 90 Authority - uninfluenced, move to 5-6 

- ... believes my words. 50 neon - uninfluenced, move to 5-6 

- ...doesn't even listen to me. - uninfluenced, move to 7-10 

4.2 Medium: ...

- I don't want any more victims. +1 Emotional, move to 7

- However, that's up to you. -2 Emotional, move to 7 

5. Medium: I think...

- ... yes. +1 Determination 

- ... no. - uninfluenced 

If you have chosen "... believes my words." in 4.1 - You have an ally in the fight against Devil!

6. Medium: I'll...

- ...kill Maria! +2 Blood/+2 Psychic 

- ...stop for Virginia. - uninfluenced 

7. Medium: Harry...

- ...rely on me. +1 Authority 

- ...don't argue with me. -1 Authority

8. Medium: Harry...

- ...I'm worried about you. +1 Harry 

- ...Don't be a fool! -1 Harry

If you have Blood is ≥35: The path of Blood

If you have Psychic is ≥37: The path of Psychic 

If Blood is ≥ 35: Your power has allowed you to succeed! +2 Blood

If you have mastered levitation in the chapter 1 of season 2: Mastering the skill of levitation has benefited you! +1 Psychic 

If Psychic is ≥ 37: Your power has allowed you to succeed! +2 Psychic

If none of the conditions are have met: You didn't have enough power

9. Medium: (The choice is available if you have love line with Harry) 


- ... kiss him! 15 neon, +2 Harry 

- ... hug him! 10 neon, +1 Harry 

- ... hit him! -1 Harry 

If Psychic is ≥ 37: Your skill comes in handy! +1 Psychic/+2 Psychic 

If Blood is ≥ 35: Your power has allowed you to succeed! /+1 Blood/+2 Blood

10. Max: (The choice is available if you have Harry is ≥ 20 or you have had the intimacy with him) 


- ...I'll do it. - uninfluenced 

- ...I can't! - uninfluenced 

11. Max: I guess...

- ...I'd like to know. 25 neon, +1 Authority 

- ...I'm not interested. -1 Authority 

12. Medium: I guess it's...

- ... worth asking. 15 neon, +1 Authority 

- ... none of my business. -1 Perry

13. Medium: (The choice is available if you have Harry is ≥ 20 or you have had the intimacy with him)

It's better to...

- ... hug him. 15 neon, +2 Harry 

- ... tell him something. 10 neon, +1 Harry

- ... do nothing. -1 Harry

Chapter 8

Chapter's name: Council of Mediums.

1. What do you usually wear to the Council of Elders?

- Black. - uninfluenced 

- Ink. 25 neon, +1 Authority 

- Raven. 35 neon, +2 Authority 

2. The choice of hairstyle:

- Ponytail. - uninfluenced 

- Hair styling. 20 neon, +1 Authority

3. Medium: Me?..

- A little. +1 Emotional   

- Not a bit! +1 Determination

4. Max: He's not a goddamn child! 

- I have to set him straight. 20 neon, +1 Authority - move to 4.1 

- I have to set him straight. 90 Authority, +1 Authority - move to 4.1

- But it's none of my business. - Cillian will not be your ally in the final battle.

4.1 Max: They will take Cillian's ability!

- I won't let you! 40 Blood, +2 Blood - You saved Cillian from losing his magic!

- I won't let you! 40 Psychic, +2 Psychic - You saved Cillian from losing his magic!

- I won't let you! 30 neon, +2 Psychic/+2 Blood - You saved Cillian from losing his magic!

- He might still be useful. - Your ally's powers were lost for the final battle. -2 Authority - You did not have the ability to help Cillian. He lost his powers.

If you have Psychic is ≥ 40 - You had enough skills to defeat your opponent in this battle! +2 Psychic 

If you have Blood is ≥ 40 - You had enough skills to defend against the hit. +2 Blood 

5. Medium: (The choice is available if you have Psychic is ≥ 25)

I guess...

- Changing memories will be enough. +1 Psychic 

- I'll make you see your worst nightmare! 20 neon, +2 Psychic

6. Medium: (The choice is available if you have Blood is ≥ 25)


- Hypnosis is enough. +1 Blood 

- I'm gonna make you feel every shade of pain! 20 neon, +2 Blood 

7. Medium: (The choice is available if Cillian is in consciousness)

I think... 

- Cillian has a lot of support. -1 Emotional 

- I should support Cillian too. +1 Emotional 

8. Medium: (The choice is available if Cillian isn't in consciousness)

I think...

- Perry's support is enough. -1 Emotional 

- I should support Marry, too.  +1 Emotional 

If Harry is vampire and you have met Aaron in the previous chapters - You made a good impression last time.

9. Medium: ...

- I'll let the friends speak first. -1 Authority 

- I'll begin. 20 neon, +2 Authority 

10. Medium: ...

- Please believe me! +1 Emotional 

- Listen to me! +1 Authority, +1 Determination 

11. Max: I see my words have...

- Convinced them. 95 Authority, +5 Authority 

- Convinced them. 50 neon, +5 Authority 

No meaning to them. -5 Authority - move to 11.1

If you have chosen "Convinced them." and you have met Aaron in the previous chapters - The Elder supported you because of your sincerity in your first meeting.

You have the great support of the mediums!

11.1 Medium: ...

- I'll stay here. - uninfluenced 

- Right. - uninfluenced

If you have chosen "No meaning to them." and you have met Aaron in the previous chapters - You managed to gain the support of some mediums.

12. Medium: (The choice is available if you have the great support of the mediums)


- Aaron will do a better job. -1 Authority, -1 Determination 

- I will do it. +1 Authority, +1 Determination 

If you have chosen "No meaning to them." and you haven't met Aaron in the previous chapters - You failed to gain the support of the mediums.

13. Medium: ...

- I mustn't hurt anyone. +1 Emotional 

- I will pity no one! - uninfluenced 

14. Medium: (The choice is available If Cillian is on our side)

And actually...

- That's incredibly sweet! +1 Emotional 

- Quite a logical development in their relationship. - uninfluenced 

15. Medium: (The choice is available if Cillian has supported his mother)


- I have to support them. +1 Perry, +1 Emotional 

- There's nothing I can do. - uninfluenced 

If Wilson has died - move to 16-17.1

16. Medium: I swear...

- I will avenge you. +1 Emotional 

- Your death will not be in vain! +1 Determination 

17. Medium: I think I...

- Shouldn't bother her. -1 Emotional 

- Should go to her. 10 neon, +1 Emotional, +1 Authority - move to 17.1

17.1 Medium: ...

- Hug her. +1 Emotional 

- Put a hand on her shoulder. - uninfluenced 

18. Max: (The choice is available if you have Blood is ≥ 25)

Damn it!

- I can't do it. -1 Determination 

- I'll do it! 35 neon, +1 Determination, +2 Blood 

19. Medium: It's...

- Disgusting! - uninfluenced 

- Terrible! +1 Emotional 

20. Max: ...

- I agree. - 25 neon - uninfluenced 

- I don't agree. - uninfluenced

Chapter 9

The chapter's name: An eye for an eye.

1. High: (The choice is available if Cillian is your partner)

I think...

— I have to let him know. +1 Authority +1 Emotional 

— I can handle it without him. - uninfluenced 

2. Medium: (The choice is available if Cillian has the magic)


— Go ahead. - uninfluenced 

— I'll do it. - uninfluenced 

3. Medium: (The choice if Cillian hasn't the magic)

I think I'll use...

— My position.  - uninfluenced 

— My ability. +1 Blood / +1 Psychic

If you have Authority is ≥ 85: The path of high Authority 

If you have Authority is ≤ 85: The path of low Authority

If you have Authority is ≤ 85: You lacked the authority to accomplish what you wanted.

4. Medium: (The choice is available If you haven't called Cillian and Authority is ≥ 85) 


— It's not my problem. -1 Authority 

— I have to calm her down. +1 Authority 

5. Medium: (The choice is available if Cillian has the magic and Blood is ≥ 25)


— I'll leave it to you. - uninfluenced 

— Let me do it. +1 Psychic 

6. Max: ...

— I'm coming, Perry! +2 Emotional +1 Perry

— I'll kill her first! +2 Determination +2 Psychic / +2 Blood 

7. Medium: (The choice is available if you have love line with Perry and he's alive) 


— Don't disturb him. - uninfluenced 

— Take his hand. +1 Perry 

8. Medium: (The choice is available if Cillian is not with you)

Despite what happened and my own pain...

— Let Marry vent her pain. +1 Authority 

— It wasn't my fault! +1 Emotional 

9. Low: ...

— I'm not going to answer that. - uninfluenced 

— I have to answer it. - uninfluenced 

10. Medium: I think...

— I'll tell him. +1 Mancy

— I won't tell him. -1 Mancy

If you have Authority is ≥ 95: The path of high Authority 

If you have Authority is ≤ 95: The path of low Authority 

11. High: (The choice is available If you haven't invited Clive in the previous chapter)


— ...we must fight. (30 neon) +1 Determination +2 Authority. Move to 13 

— ...we have to run. - uninfluenced 

12. High: (The choice is available if you have invited Clive in the previous chapter, but Authority is ≤ 95)


— We can't leave those who put their trust in us! (30 neon) +2 Authority. Move to 13 

— Let's go! They'll handle it themselves. -1 Authority 

13. Medium: ...

— I will spare no one! +2 Blood +1 Blood / +2 Psychic +1 Psychic 

— All I have to do is disable them. +1 Psychic

If you have Blood is ≥ 40: You didn't have enough abilities to help Mancy.

If you have Blood is ≥ 40: Your magic and abilities are very weak

14. Medium: (The choice is available if Authority is ≥ 95)

I think...

— ...they realize it themselves. - uninfluenced 

— ...I have to encourage them. +1 Emotional +1 Authority 

15. High: (The choice is available if you haven't invited Mancy and have the favorite)

I think...

— I should see Harry. (30 neon) +2 Harry

— I should see Wilson. (30 neon) +2 Wilson

— I should see Cassie. (30 neon) +2 Cassie 

— I'm done for today. -2 Harry / -2 Wilson / -2 Cassie 

16. High: (The choice is available if you have love line with Perry)


— I want to see him. (30 neon) +2 Perry. Move to 21.

— I'm done for today. -2 Perry

If you have love line with Wilson, move to 17-18

If you have love line with Harry, move to 19-20.1

If you have love line with Perry, move to 21 

If you have love line with Mancy, move to 22-23, 23.1/23.2 

If you have love line with Cassie, move to 24-27 

17. Medium: ...

— Yes, Wilson. +1 Wilson 

— It's just a sky. - uninfluenced

18. Medium: ...

— ...kiss him. (15 neon) +2 Wilson 

— ...give her some space. -2 Wilson 

19. Low: I would...

— ... tell her. - uninfluenced 

— ...not tell her. - uninfluenced 

20. High: Harry...

— ...let's do it!  (30 neon) +2 Harry. Move to 20.1

— ...I'll think about it, okay? -2 Harry 

20.1 Low: And I also want...

— kiss you. - uninfluenced 

— enjoy looking at you. - uninfluenced 

21. Medium: ...

— Something troubling you? +1 Perry

— ... he'll tell me if he wants to. -1 Perry

22. High: ...

— My place. (30 neon) +2 Mancy. Move to 23

— I'll take a rain check. -2 Mancy. Move to 15 (If you have simultaneously love line with Mancy and Cassie)

23. Medium: With me?

— I'd like to join you. +2 Mancy. Move to 23.2 

— Suit yourself. - uninfluenced. Move to 23.1

23.1 High: ...

— I feel the same way about you. (20 neon) +2 Mancy 

— I'm glad. -1 Mancy 

23.2 High: ... 

— To reciprocate. (20 neon) +2 Mancy 

— To say nothing. -2 Mancy 

24. Medium: She...

— ... deserves an apology. +1 Cassie 

— ... she should understand the situation. -2 Cassie -2 Emotional

25. Medium: Cassie...

— It's okay to be scared. (15 neon) +2 Cassie 

— You're being too dramatic. -2 Cassie 

26. Medium: It's better to...

— ...kiss her. +2 Cassie 

— ...give her some space. -2 Cassie 

27. High: Cassie...

— I'd go anywhere with you. (30 neon) +2 Cassie 

— I'm not making any promises. We'll see. -2 Cassie



me me
me me
Jan 14

Thank you guys. I hope there will be chapter 10 soon 🤗.


Black Raven
Black Raven
Aug 27, 2024

Will there be walkthrought for new episodes call of blood?

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