Chapter 6. Wind of Change
1. High: ...
Approach him. -22 Neons, +1 Cem
Return to the palace. — uninfluenced
2. High: I think that...
It's better to die. You never accepted your fate
Life is more important. The Path of Love +1 Cem / The Path of Revenge -1 Cem
3. High: And what obliges him to be such a cruel...
Lord? (10 Courage), +1 Courage, +1 Respect, Your judgment pleased the young man
Father? — uninfluenced
The Path of Low Respect (<14 Respect)
You didn't earn enough respect in the harem (There will be no exit to point 4)
4. Maximum: Trouble? No…
You're in trouble. +1 Intrigue, -1 Respect, -1 Melek, Melek Kalfa will not forget your insolence
No trouble…+2 Melek, Melek is grateful for your understanding
5. Maximum:
Confidence -32 Neons, +1 Çiçek, The Sultana liked your outfit
Tenderness -32 Neons, +1 Çiçek, The Sultana liked your outfit
Simplicity - Free, Your outfit did not please the Sultana
Free -22 Neons, +1 Çiçek
Ponytail -22 Neons, +1 Çiçek
Pigtail - Free
6. High: Now I have to…
Bow slightly. +1 Respect, (+1 Çiçek If you select the first time)
Bow deeply. -1 Respect
Stand still. -1 Respect, You didn't greet the Sultana!
7. Medium: Greetings…
Valide. -16 Neons, +1 Çiçek, Your address flattered the Sultana
My lady. — uninfluenced
If you helped with a vendor +50 Akche
If free clothes and hairstyle - Your appearance disappointed the Lady
8. Medium: I have to…
Kiss her hand. +1 Çiçek, You showed knowledge of the palace etiquette
Shake hands. - Your knowledge of etiquette is not perfect
You failed to impress the Sultana /
You managed to win the favour of the Sultana! - +2 Respect
9. Play as the Şehzade, I have to do something...
I'll check his pulse. — uninfluenced
I'll check his breath. — uninfluenced
I'll apply a cold compress. — uninfluenced
10. (If you previously agreed to the proposal of Şirin) Maximum: Perhaps it will be better to…
Tell. -32 Neons, +1 Intrigue, move to 10.1.1
Keep silent. - move to 11
10.1.1 Should I please her?
Yes, it will work out great for me. (7 Intrigue), +1 Intrigue, +20 Akche
No, it's too much. - move to 11
10.2 (If you have not previously agreed to the proposal of Şirin) Should I tell her…
I'd better withhold it. — uninfluenced
No, this is wrong. +1 Humility
11. Maximum: I should…
Object. -32 Neons, +2 Respect
Keep silent. -2 Respect
Chapter 7. Dance for the Şehzade
1. Maximum: Lily -45 Neons, +1 Respect, move to 2-5, 7-8
Rose -45 Neons, +1 Respect, move to 2-5, 7-8
Hydrangea +1 Humility, move to 6-11
2. Maximum: I will…
Wait until she leaves. -20 Neons, +2 Intrigue, You are thoughtful and clever
Do it now. Şirin Hatun knows that you will dance by yourself, move to 2.2
2.1 Medium: And she is…
Right. +1 Cem
Ridiculous — uninfluenced
2.2 If in episode 5 responded to Şirin's proposal with ostentatious agreement and in episode 6 talked about a walk in the garden - Medium: And she is…
Right. +1 Cem
Ridiculous — uninfluenced
If in series 5 responded to Shireen's proposal with the ostentatious agreement and in series 6 remained silent about a walk in the garden - Medium: Besides, I am in fact...
Interested in the Şehzade. +1 Cem
Not interested in the Şehzade at all. — uninfluenced
The Path of Power: Hmm…
Not only +1 Cem
Of course! — uninfluenced
The Path of Survival/Love: Would I like to become the Şehzade's concubine?
Maybe… +1 Cem
I don't think so… - The Şehzade has not interested you yet
The Path of Revenge: And now I feel...
Doubts. +1 Cem
That I'm close to my goal. — uninfluenced
3. High: Perhaps I will…
I'll promise support. (20 Respect) +1 Respect
I'll remember the hammam. (15 Intrigue) +1 Intrigue
Bribe him. (50 Akche) +1 Respect
Beg him -1 Respect, move to 3.1 You didn't earn enough respect in the harem
3.1 Something needs to be done!
I will bribe him. (50 Akche) +1 Respect, +1 Intrigue
I will threaten tim. +1 Courage, -1 Respect
I'll fall on my knees. +1 Humility, -1 Respect
4. Maximum: I don't want to believe it, but I have to be careful.
Can you keep an eye on her? (4 Ayşe) -35 Neons, +1 Ayşe
What do you think? - The outfit will be ruined
5. Maximum: Should I ask Ayşe to help with it?
She won't refuse. -2 Flames, +1 Respect, +2 Cem, +2 Çiçek (Access to the extra scene)
No, that's not necessary. — uninfluenced
6. Medium: The dream about…
Anthea. -20 Neons, +1 Anthea
The kidnapping. - move to 6.1
6.1 Medium: Right now I just…
Pretend to be scared. -10 Neons, +1 Respect, +1 Intrigue
Kick him. -10 Neons, +1 Respect, +1 Courage
Open my eyes and wake up +1 Humility
7. High: But is it worth it?
Why not? -15 Neons, +1 Intrigue, You learned important information!
No. +1 Humility
8. Medium:
Elegant Curls -21 Neons, +1 Respect
Bright Waves -21 Neons, +1 Respect
Casual — uninfluenced
9. Medium: I need to finish the move…
On the same level. - Correct
Above. - Incorrect
Below. - Incorrect
10. Medium: So, now I have to move…
Left. - Incorrect
Right. - Correct
2 mistakes -2 Respect 2 correct answers +1 Respect
11. Medium: She is…
Really good. +1 Humility
Annoying. — uninfluenced
If Şirin ruined the outfit +1 Respect, +1 Cem, +1 Çiçek
If Şirin didn't +2 Respect, +2 Cem, +2 Çiçek
Chapter 8. The Favourite
The Sultana does not feel much sympathy for you
Çiçek Sultan doesn't care about your feelings
Çiçek Sultan sincerely sympathizes with you
If Gizem goes to the halvet:
If you have a good relationship with Çiçek: The Sultana favours you
1. If you overhear the conversation in the last episode - Medium: Perhaps, I'll…
Tell her. +1 Intrigue, +1 Çiçek, Çiçek Sultan is grateful to you for the information
Keep it a secret. — uninfluenced
2. Outfit:
Powder — uninfluenced
Gold -35 Neons, +2 Respect, Later +2 Cem
3. Medium: What's first?...
Adress him. -1 Respect
Wait. +1 Respect, move to 3.1
3.1 Medium: …
Look him in the eye. +1 Courage
Resist. +1 Humility
4. High: …
Let's go out on the terrace, shall we? -22 Neons, +1 Cem, move to 4.1
I'm sorry, I got flustered. — uninfluenced
4.1 High: I…
Need his support. +1 Cem, Cem is grateful to you for your sincerity
Don't need his pity. — uninfluenced
5. Low: …
And you? — uninfluenced
Sure! — uninfluenced
6. Maximum: I…
I will stay. -40 Neons, +1 Cem (Cutscene)
I'll go. - move to 6.1
6.1: High: I need to...
Pull myself together. -18 Neons. +1 Respect, +1 Courage
Deal with it. +1 Humility
7. Medium: I choose...
Modest chambers. — uninfluenced
Bright chambers. -20 Neons, +1 Respect
Those worthy of me, the lady. - 35 Neons, +2 Respect
8. Medium: …
What do you mean by "someone like me"? +1 Courage
Come and check it out. +1 Intrigue
It's amazing. +1 Humility
If Gizem does not go to the halvet or the outfit is ruined:
And in a bad relationship: The Sultana does not feel much sympathy for you,
Çiçek Sultan doesn't care about your feelings
(The next elections in paragraphs 9-12 depend on
the path you are following)
9. You seek love - Medium: That's…
Possible. +1 Cem, Your feelings for the Şehzade are getting stronger
Unlikely. - The Şehzade hasn't melted your heart yet
10. Medium: …
The Şehzade's attention. +1 Cem
No other reason. — uninfluenced
11. You seek survival - Medium: …
I'm devastated. +1 Cem, Your sympathy for the Şehzade is getting stronger
I'm glad. — uninfluenced, You are flattered by the Şehzade's attention, but that's it
12. Medium: I'm upset because of...
Their night. +1 Cem
Her victory. — uninfluenced,
If Şehzade himself called Şirin: move to 13
The Şehzade's thoughts tonight are about you
13. Maximum: Don't cry.
But I can't. -40 Neons (Sehzadeh will refuse)
I'm not saying you to leave. (will not refuse)
14. If the outfit was ruined - Maximum:
I didn't invite you! -28 Neons, +2 Cem
I don't believe she has refused. -28 Neons, +2 Cem
Did you come here of your own free will? (will not refuse)
15. Medium: Who could be there then?
I'll check. +1 Intrigue
It's none of my business. +1 Humility
16. Maximum: …
Poor Kemal! +1 Kemal, Relationship between you is possible, move to 16.1
He's got what he deserves. -5 Kemal, Relationship between you is no longer possible
I missed you so much! +2 Kemal, Relationship between you is possible, move to 16.1
16.1 High: Well…
Yes. -32 Neons, +1 Kemal, Move to 16.2
I better stand. — uninfluenced
16.2 Low:
Are you sure you'll manage? — uninfluenced
You can try. — uninfluenced
Only time will tell. — uninfluenced
Your feelings for each other grow stronger
17. Medium: …
Eleni +1 Kemal
Gizem — uninfluenced
18. Medium: …
I will ask. (25 Respect) +1 Intrigue, +1 Respect
I won't ask. +1 Humility
Chapter 9. Hidden threat
1. Outfit:
Ray of Sun -24 Neons, +1 Respect, Later: + Cem, Your dress charmed Şehzade Cem
Tenderness of the Dawn -24 Neons, +1 Respect, Later: + Cem, Your dress charmed Şehzade Cem
Mystery of the Night — uninfluenced
2. Should I do my hair?
Yes -15 Neons, +1 Respect
No — uninfluenced
If Gizem went to the halvet: 3. Medium: Or is it better to open it now?
Now. -45 Neons, +1 Cem, move to 3.1
Later. - move to 4-5
3.1 Low: …
Lovebirds? — uninfluenced
Indeed? — uninfluenced
3.1.1 Medium: I want to…
Keep them. +1 Humility
Let them go. +1 Courage, +1 Cem, move to 3.1.2
3.1.2 Medium: His touch feels...
Nice. +1 Cem, There's something going on between you and Cem
Uncomfortable. — uninfluenced
4. Medium: …
And why did you go to the hastanenin? -10 Neons, +1 Intrigue
Yes. — uninfluenced
5. High: Or why would I?
Interesting. -20 Neons, +1 Intrigue, This information may be useful to you in the future
No need. — uninfluenced
If Gizem didn't go to the halvet, move to 6-7:
6. Medium: Yes…
And why were you there? -15 Neons, +1 Intrigue
I did. — uninfluenced
7. High: It's...
Interesting. -20 Neons, +2 Intrigue, This information may be useful to you in the future
No need. — uninfluenced
8. Medium: And the Şehzade…
Is involved. +1 Cem, Day by day, your feelings for the Şehzade only grow stronger!
Has nothing to do with it. — uninfluenced
9. High: …
Kemal… -32 Neons, +1 Kemal
Anthea… -32 Neons, +1 Anthea
Mother… — uninfluenced
10. Medium: …
Come closer. +1 Courage, +1 Cem
Don't move. — uninfluenced
11. Maximum: I…
Would be glad to! -2 Flames, +1 Courage, +1 Cem, move to 11.1
Am afraid. -1 Cem
11.1 Maximum: …
Look at the Şehzade. -25 Neons, Later +2 Cem, The Şehzade is in love with you (>10 Cem)
The Şehzade is into you (<10 Cem)
Look away. — uninfluenced
Chapter 10. Sweet bitterness
Gözde +90 Akche/ Usta +60 Akche, a good relationship with Çiçek +10 Akche
1. Medium: …
Kiss the hem of her dress. -15 Neons, +1 Respect, +1 Çiçek
Bow. — uninfluenced
2. Low: I want it so badly!
And I will eat it! — uninfluenced
But I won't... — uninfluenced
3. Medium: She is…
My sister. +1 Anthea, Your bond with Anthea is strong.
My parents' mentee. - Your bond with Anthea weakens.
(Cem >10 - Your feelings for Şehzade Cem are strong.
<5 - Gizem will be chosen for halvet, move to 9-10
= or >5 - Yasmin will be chosen for halvet, move to 6-9, 11)
4. Medium: Is it her?
I guess so… -15 Neons, +1 Kemal
It doesn't matter. — uninfluenced
5. Medium: So...
Do you love her? -15 Neons (Additional information)
You're not bored here? — uninfluenced
6. High: I will...
Overhear. -15 Neons, +1 Intrigue
Find out later. +1 Humility
7 Medium: …
Embrace Yasmin. — uninfluenced
Get close. — uninfluenced
8. High: What if... pretend? -15 Neons, +1 Respect, +1 Intrigue
...I go? +1 Courage
9. Outfit, High:
Brave -20 Neons, +1 Respect, +1 Cem
Tender -20 Neons, +1 Respect, +1 Cem
Modest — uninfluenced
10. Low: I wish...
Someone cares about me. — uninfluenced
Happiness for them. — uninfluenced
11. Medium: What should I do?
To tell the truth. -15 Neons, move to 11.1
To lie. -1 Respect, move to 11.2
11.1 High: Bulut Agha...
Shall we make a deal? -15 Neons
Please, let me through! -60 Akche, +2 Respect
I know something about you… -2 Respect
11.2 High: Bulut Agha...
Well, I'll tell you the truth. -30 Neons, +1 Intrigue
Shall we make a deal? -60 Akche, +2 Respect
I know something about you… -2 Respect
Chapter 11. Concubine's Fate
If Cem <20 - You and Cem are not close enough. move to 1-2
Cem >20 - You and Cem are close, You've managed to win the Şehzade's heart. move to 3
1. Medium: I'll ask him…
Why he is so sad. - You have failed to lighten the Şehzade's mood.
About poetry. -15 Neons, +1 Cem
2. Medium: I could try to comfort him...
Yes, I should do it. -15 Neons, +1 Cem
No, I'd better not. — uninfluenced
3. Maximum: Oh...
What about Kemal? +1 Kemal
Cem is so pretty… +1 Cem
I'm a little anxious. — uninfluenced
If Kemal >12 move to 5. Kemal <12 move to 6.
5. Maximum: …
I'm ready. -2 Flames, later +5 Cem, move to 5.1
I have someone else on my mind. -50 Neons, +5 Kemal, You were honest with the Şehzade.
You stayed loyal to Kemal.
Yes. I barely escaped being raped! — uninfluenced, You took advantage of Şehzade's vulnerability.
5.1 I want to…
Take the initiative. - If you took lessons from Melek, then +2 Cem
Let him take the initiative. — uninfluenced
5.2 Low: …
Talk to him. — uninfluenced
Remain silent. — uninfluenced
5.2.1 Low: …
You are so generous! +1 Cem
I am not worthy of you. +1 Cem
6. Maximum: I want to…
Take the initiative. -2 Flames, If you took lessons from Melek, then +2 Cem, later +5 Cem
Let him take the initiative. -2 Flames, +5 Cem
But I'm scared. — uninfluenced, move to 6.1
6.1 High: I will...
Tell him what's troubling me. -30 Neons, +1 Cem, Cem is glad that you shared your fears with him.
Keep it to myself. -2 Cem, The Şehzade is confused by your behaviour. move to 6.1.1
6.1.1 Medium: …
I have no excuses… +1 Intrigue
I don't regret anything. +1 Courage
I'm sorry. +1 Humility
If Melek >5 - You have Melek's trust and favour.
Melek <5 - Your friendship with Melek is not strong enough.
7. Medium: …
Tell me. -20 Neons, +2 Ayşe, +1 Intrigue
Well, as you wish… — uninfluenced
8. …
I'll listen. (15 Intrigue) +1 Intrigue
All the same. — uninfluenced
9. Medium: Wait…
Şirin can wait. +1 Courage
It's important. +1 Intrigue
Please. +1 Humility
If Respect >30 - The Path of High Respect
Respect <30 - You haven't earned enough Respect.
If Gizem was on halvet for the first time:
10. Medium: I choose...
Modest chambers. — uninfluenced
Bright chambers. -20 Neons, +1 Respect
Those worthy of me, the lady. - 35 Neons, +2 Respect
11. Low: New room…
It's just a new cage. — uninfluenced
Let it be small, but private. — uninfluenced
Chapter 12. Market
1. High: Poor thing…
I'll help him. -15 Meons, +1 Respect, move to 1.1
It's so unfair. +1 Humility, later -1 Respect
1.1 Medium: I'll give him some coins.
Boy, come here. -10 Akche
I'll do it discreetly. +1 Respect, +1 Melek, -10 Akche
2. Medium: I want to go to the counter with...
Jewellery. -25 Neons, +1 Melek, move to 2.1
Spices. — uninfluenced
2.1 High: Maybe…
For Ayşe -50 Akche, +2 Ayşe
For myself -80 Akche, +2 Respect
For Çiçek Sultan -80 Akche, +2 Çiçek
3. Low: …
Don't worry. — uninfluenced
Why? — uninfluenced
4. Medium: …
Freeze. +1 Humility
Bite. +1 Courage
5. Medium: …
No, I'm leaving. — uninfluenced
Okay. +1 Kemal
6. Low:
Does the Şehzade need extra security? — uninfluenced
It's an important task, indeed. — uninfluenced
If Kemal >14 - Kemal has feelings for you, move to 7
7. Maximum:
Give him a kiss. -45 Neons, +3 Kemal (Cutscene)
Reject. — uninfluenced
8. High: I wish I could warn her...
I need to write her a message. -25 Neons, +1 Anthea
But that's impossible. — uninfluenced
9. Medium: …
I'll try to bargain. -15 Neons, +1 Intrigue, +1 Respect, move to 9.1
I'll buy it anyway. -50 Akche, +1 Respect
It's too expensive. — uninfluenced
9.1 …
Perfect. -25 Akche, +1 Respect
Still too expensive for me. — uninfluenced
Melek, can you buy them for me? (7 Melek) — uninfluenced
Relationship with Kemal and Cem:
10.1 Maximum: …
For Kemal. -100 Akche, +1 Kemal
For Cem. -100 Akche, +1 Cem
I shouldn't. — uninfluenced
Relationship with Cem:
10.2 Maximum: …
I'll buy it. -100 Akche, +1 Cem
Or not? — uninfluenced
Relationship with Kemal:
10.3 Maximum: …
It can really come in handy… -100 Akche, +1 Kemal
I doubt it. — uninfluenced
Relationship with Anthea:
10.4 Maximum: Hmm...
I'll buy them for Anthea. -80 Akche, +1 Anthea
I don't think so. — uninfluenced
If Gizem was on the first halvet:
11.1 Medium: …
I hope you're feeling better. +1 Humility
What you want? +1 Courage
Is something wrong? +1 Intrigue
If Gizem wasn't on the first halvet:
11.2 Medium: …
I'm sorry. +1 Humility
I'm not making any excuses. +1 Courage
If it weren't me, it would be someone else. +1 Intrigue
12. Medium: …
Tell me. -25 Neons, +1 Anthea
I understand. It can wait. — uninfluenced
13. Medium: …
I can't turn away. -25 Neons, +1 Kemal
I'll turn away. — uninfluenced
14. Medium: …
I'll ask her directly. +1 Courage, +1Ayşe
I'll be careful. +1 Intrigue, -1 Ayşe
If Cem <25 - Cem does not rule out your involvement Cem >25 - Cem believes in you!
Çiçek <7 - Çiçek is indifferent to you
Çiçek >7 - Çiçek likes you