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Under The Veil S2

Writer: attashe444attashe444

Updated: Jan 8


Chapter 1. Poisonous suspicions

Chapter 2. Shadows of the past

Chapter 3. Returning to Konya

Chapter 4. Does love win?

Chapter 5. Fight for the future

Chapter 6. The eldest Şehzade

Chapter 1

If Cem ≥28, then: Şehzade is crushed by mother’s decision.

1. Level of influence on the plot: high

"..." (available, if in 11 episode Yasmine didn’t tell about the potion)

- Yes. (30 neons) +1 Humility

- No. - doesn’t affect

If Intrigue ≥16, then: The Path of Intrigue.

If in 11 episode Yasmine said about snake’s potion, then +1 Respect

2. Level of influence on the plot: high

"..." (available, if romance line with Kemal)

- Yes, it’s worth it. (35 neons) +1 Kemal, transition to p. 2.1

- No, it isn’t worth it. - doesn’t affect

2.1 Level of influence on the plot: low


- In garden. - return to choice.

- Near Cem’s chamber. - correct answer, transition to 2.1.1

- In his room. - return to choice.

If Courage ≥20, then: The Path of Courage.

If Intrigue ≥20, then: The Path of Intrigue.

If Courage and Intrigue equally, then: The Path of Courage.

If Humility ≥20, then: The Path of Humility.

2.1.1 Level of influence on the plot: medium


- I don’t believe. -1 Kemal

- And I. +1 Kemal

- I don’t know… - doesn’t affect

If Intrigue ≥20, then: The Path of Intrigue.

If Courage ≥20, then: The Path of Courage.

If Courage and Intrigue are equal, then: The Path of Intrigue.

If Humility ≥20, then: The Path of Humility.

If Cem ≥28 , then: The path of high relationship with Cem, transition to p. 3

If Cem <28, then: The path of low relationship with Cem, transition to p. 4

If GG know about departure, then +1 Respect

If GG doesn’t know about departure, then +1 Cem

3. Level of influence on the plot: medium


- I am dissappointed. -1 Cem +1 Courage

- I see. +1 Cem +1 Humility

- And you won’t intervene? -1 Cem +1 Intrigue

If Çiçek ≥10, then: The Sultana worries about you.. + 50 Akche

If GG know about departure, then +1 Respect

4. Level of influence on the plot: medium

“... “

- That’s not fair. +1 Courage -1 Çiçek

- That doesn't matter, what I think. +1 Humility

- That’s reasonable. +1 Intrigue +1 Çiçek

5. Clothes’ choice:

- Red dress. - doesn’t affect

- Pink with stones/ Powder rose (25 neons) +1 Respect later

- Dress from the market (available, if bought on market in previous episode) +1 Respect later

6. Hairstyle’s choice:

- Ginger curls - doesn’t affect

- Curls with decoration (20 neons) +1 Respect

- Afrodite (20 neons/free if you bought decorations on market in previous episode) +1 Respect

If you bought a gift for Çiçek Sultan on market in previous episode, then +3 Çiçek

If you bought a bracelet for Ayşe on market in previous episode, then +3 Ayşe

If you bought a ring for Kemal on market in previous episode, then +5 Kemal

If you bought a ring for Cem on market in previous episode, then +5 Cem

If you bought a earrings for Anthea on market in previous episode, then +5 Anthea

If Respect ≥35, then: The Path of High Respect

If Respect <35, then: The Path of Low Respect

If you saved Safie, then +20 Akche from her.

If Ayşe ≥5, then Ayşe will miss you.

7. Level of influence on the plot: medium


- Yes, it’s worth it. (20 neons), transition to p. 7.1

- No, it isn’t worth it. - doesn’t affect

7.1. Level of influence on the plot: medium

"..." (depends on your love interest. if it is Anthea — choice is automatic)

- This is from Anthea. +1 Anthea

- This is from Cem. +1 Cem

- This is from Kemal. +1 Kemal

If Respect ≥35, then: The Path of High Respect.

If Respect <35, then: The Path of Low Respect.

8. Level of influence on the plot: medium


- Not much at all. +1 Intrigue

- Not at all. +1 Courage

- I’m afraid, that is. +1 Humility

Chapter 2

Chapter’s description: The gloomy reality does not give free rein to your desires.

1. Medium: “I have indeed become better at...”

- Poetry. - uninfluenced

- Drawing. - uninfluenced

If Respect <40, then: The Path of Low Respect, transfer to p. 2

If Respect ≥40, then: The Path of High Respect

2. Medium: “...”

- Come closer. (30 Akche) - 30 Akche

- I'm not giving up on her! (20 Courage) +1 Respect

- Do what I say! -1 Respect

3. Medium: “...”

- Things may seem better than they are. - uninfluenced

- I survived. +1 Respect +1 Iya

- Can't complain. - uninfluenced

If in 1 chapter 1 season went inside Iya, then +1 Respect +1 Iya

If Intrigue ≥18, то: The Path of Intrigue

If Intrigue <18 and Courage ≥20, то: The Path of Courage.

If Intrigue <18 and Courage <20, то: The Path of Humility

The Path of Love/ The Path of Power/ The Path of Survival

If The Path of Revenge, then transfer to p. 4

4. Maximum: “...”

- I should do that. - uninfluenced

- No, I shouldn't. - uninfluenced, transfer to p. 4.1

4.1 High: “...”

- A desire to live. - uninfluenced

- A desire to love. - uninfluenced

- A desire for power. - uninfluenced

5. Maximum: “...”

- Yes, I do. (35 neons) - uninfluenced, transfer to p. 5.1

- No, I don't. - uninfluenced

5.1 Low: (you can ask all questions) “Tell me…”

- How is Şehzade Bayezid? - uninfluenced

- Do you miss that life? - uninfluenced

- Why are you here? - uninfluenced

- That's enough. - end of the dialogue.

6. Maximum: “Help?..”

- Yes. (25 neons) +1 Selim

- No. - uninfluenced

If Melek ≥5 (or if Melek=Ayşe), then: +1 Мелек, You have a close relationship with Melek-Kalfa

Якщо Melek <5 and Ayşe ≥5, then: +1 Ayşe, You have a close relationship with Ayşe.

Якщо Melek <5 and Ayşe <5, then a letter from Bulut.

You learned something important.

If MC has The Path of Love, then: You're not willing to sacrifice love for safety.

If MC has The Path of Revenge, then: You're willing to take risks for revenge.

If MC has The Path of Power, then: Surrendering to fate was not part of your plan.

If MC has The Path of Survival, then: You don't want to be neglected.

7. Medium: “...”

- …Kemal. (15 neons) +1 Kemal, You're willing to fight for a chance for you and Kemal.

(if you have a romance line with Kemal)

- …Cem. (15 neons) +1 Cem, You're not ready to give up Cem. (if you have a romance line with Cem)

- ... Anthea. (15 neons) +1 Anthea, Your longing for Anthea is deep.

- ... someone I haven't met yet. - uninfluenced

8. High: “I guess...”

- I could use some company. (35 neons) +1 Selim, transfer to p. 8.1

- Нічим. - uninfluenced

8.1 High: “I suppose I should...”

- Keep quiet. - uninfluenced

- Tell. +1 Selim

9. Maximum: “Better to...”

- Tell her everything as it is. (35 neons) +1 Respect +1 Courage

- Make a deal with her. (50 Akche) -50 Akche, +1 Respect, +1 Intrigue

- Postpone the conversation. +1 Humility

10. Medium: “And yet I felt...”

- That I had become a pawn in someone else's game. +1 Courage

- Excitement. +1 Intrigue

- Concern. +1 Humility

11. Maximum: “I'd like to take...”

- Iya with me.. (50 neons) +2 Iya, You keep your word. Iya will respect that.

- Selim with me. (50 neons) +2 Selim, Irem Kalfa has made concessions for you. Don't let her down, later Selim is ready to help you. Is this really about conversations only?

- No, that's silly. - uninfluenced

Chapter 3 

Name of the chapter: Returning to Konya 

Chapter’s description: Is it easy to go back to a place where you're not welcome?

If >40 Respect: The way of high respect

If <40 Respect: The way of low respect 

If you have chosen Selim in the previous episode, move to 1

If you have chosen Iya in the previous episode, move to 2-3 

If you have chosen to be alone, move to 4

1. High: "..."

I remembered our conversations. 15 neon, +1 Selim, Selim also remembers that day with joy. Selim is bewitched by your voice.

I asked him about his training. - uninfluenced

2. Medium: "..." (it is available, if Şehzade Cem >30)

Sadness. - uninfluenced

Anger. - uninfluenced

Disappointment. -1 Cem

3. Medium: I think of...

... him all the time. +1 Cem

... everyone I left behind in the palace. +1 Kemal

... the friend I never got to speak to. +1 Anthea

4. High: I should...

Pretend to be one of the sick concubines. - uninfluenced - You're willing to take risks for your future. (The choice is available if Melek is >5)

Pretend to be a new concubine.  - uninfluenced

Think about it after arriving in Konya. -1 Respect 

If you have chosen "Tell her everything as it is./

Make a deal with her." in the previous episode: You've saved time by talking to the Kalfa right away.

If you have chosen "Postpone the conversation." in the previous episode: You've lost time by not talking to the Kalfa immediately.

5. High: the choice of clothes: 

Hyacinth - uninfluenced

Orchid 40 neon, +1 Respect

Saffron 50 neon, +1 Respect

6. Medium: the choice of scarf:

Satin 15 neon, +1 Respect 

Silk 15 neon, +1 Respect 

Linen - uninfluenced

7. High: "..." (it is available, if you have chosen the paid clothes)

Yes, it will. I'll buy it. 50 Akche, -50 Akche

No. It's unnecessary. - uninfluenced

8. Medium: Oh! It's...

... Cem. 20 neon, +1 Cem - Your soul longs for Cem.

... Kemal. 20 neon, +1 Kemal - Despite everything, you long to meet Kemal.

... Anthea. 20 neon, +1 Anthea - You are becoming more accepting of your feelings for Anthea.

.... Şirin. - uninfluenced

If you have chosen Iya: Thanks to Iya's help, the guards didn't remember you.

If you have chosen Selim: Selim is willing to take risks for you. Without Selim's help, you'd be in trouble. 

9. Medium: I should...

Rehearse the dance. 15 neon, +2 Respect 

Rest. - uninfluenced

If you have chosen "Tell her everything as it is./

Make a deal with her." in the previous episode: You arrived early and were helped by your friends. - move to 10.1

If you have chosen "Postpone the conversation." in the previous episode: You arrived late and missed the chance to get help. - move to 10.2

If you have chosen to be alone: Your plan failed. The conversation with the Şehzade will happen, but not as you had planned. - move to 19-21 

10.1 Low: I should...

Wait. - uninfluenced

Come out of hiding. - uninfluenced - You've been caught. Try again. - returning to the choice 

10.2 Low: I should...

Act. - uninfluenced

Wait. -1 Respect - You've been caught. Try again. - returning to the choice 

11. Low: Which way now?

To the right. -1 Respect - You've been caught. Try again. - returning to the choice 

To the left. - the right choice

12. Medium: I must walk...

Confidently. +1 Courage

Swaying my hips seductively. +1 Intrigue

Calmly. +1 Humility

If you have >30 Cem: You lit a flame in the Şehzade's soul.

If you have bought the saber +2 Cem

If you haven't bought the saber +1 Cem

13. Medium: (it is available if Kemal is >20) 


Kemal... +1 Kemal - Kemal is worried about you.

Ayşe... +1 Ayşe

If you haven't met Bulut Agha/Melek at the market, move to 14

If you have met Bulut Agha/Melek at the market: Because of your actions, you have support!, move to 15 

14. Max: I think it's best to...

Bribe her. 100 Akche, +2 Respect, +1 Intrigue, -100 Akche

Try to persuade her. 30 neon, +2 Respect  

Blackmail her. +1 Courage, -2 Respect, move to 19-21

15. Medium: To get to the Şehzade, I should walk...

Holding my head high. 46 Respect, +1 Courage 

Playfully. 26 Intrigue - uninfluenced

With my head down. - uninfluenced

16. Medium: "..."

Take one step towards him.+1 Courage

Stand still. +1 Humility

17. Medium: I should...

Step back. +1 Intrigue

Remove the veil myself. +1 Courage 

Let him take it off. +1 Humility

If you have Melek is >6: +1 Respect

18. Medium: "..." (it is available if the main character was in a halvet)

Return the gift. +1 Cem, move to 18.2 

Calm down. - uninfluenced, move to 18.1

18.1 Medium: "..."

And I was ready to accept my punishment.+1 Respect

Which means I don't deserve to be punished. +1 Courage 

If you have Cem is <30: Cem has no interest in you.You have a chance to stay in the harem.

18.2 Medium: I'll... 

Let him kiss me. 25 neon, +1 Cem, +1 Humility - What if it wasn't self-deception? Who knows. 

Push him away. 25 neon, +1 Cem, + 1 Courage - You're not ready to swallow your pride, even for the man you love.

Pull away. - uninfluenced, The voice of reason has drowned out the impulse of your heart.

18.2.1 Max: (The prices depend on the loyalty of the main character: One/several romantic storylines.) Because I... 

Love you. 1 flame/2 flame, +3 Cem - You've saved your relationship with the Şehzade. From now on, he's your one and only.

I want to be special to you. 35 neon/40 neon, +1 Cem - You've saved your relationship with the Şehzade. From now on, he's your one and only.

Want to be the only one you love! -3 Cem - The future of your relationship with the Şehzade is uncertain.

19. Medium: "..." 

Keep standing. +1 Intrigue

Sit down on the floor. +1 Humility

Protest loudly. +1 Courage

20. Medium: So I should answer...

Calmly. +1 Respect

Boldly. -1 Respect - Because of your temper, you made your situation worse

If you have Kemal is >20: Kemal is worried about you.

21. Medium: "..." 

And I was ready to accept my punishment.+1 Respect

Which means I don't deserve to be punished. +1 Courage

If you havе Cem is <30: Cem has no interest in you. You have a chance to stay in the harem.

Chapter 4

If you have Anthea is ≥15: You're close to Anthea, move to 1

If you have Anthea is ≤15: You're not close to Anthea, move to 2

1. Max: And you should know that...

- ...I can't accept that. - uninfluenced, move to 2

- ...I understand your situation. - uninfluenced, move to 1.1

1.1 High: I want... (It's available if you don't have love line with Cem)

- Something more than kisses. 50 neon, +10 Anthea - Your bond is growing stronger.

- To stop. - uninfluenced

2. Max: You are right...

- I do want to be with him. -5 Anthea - You've disappointed Anthea.

- I do have a purpose. - uninfluenced - An alliance between you two is possible.

If you have Kemal is ≥20, move to 3-4 

3. Max: Kemal, I am...

- Ready for anything. +2 Kemal

- Not ready to risk. - move to 5

4. Medium: What do I really want?

- To kiss him. 45 neon +1 Kemal, move to 4.1

- To hug him. - uninfluenced - You and Kemal have a chance

4.1 Max: "..."

- I'll get what I want. 3 flame, +10 Kemal - From now on, Kemal's heart belongs to you.

- He's right.

If you haven't had the intimacy with Cem, +5 Kemal - You have a chance to be together!

5. Medium: Nothing will happen if ... 

- I read the letter. 20 neon, +2 Cem (if you have Cem is ≥20) or +1 Respect, +1 Intrigue (if you have Cem is ≤20)

- I won't read it. - uninfluenced

6. Medium: "..." (It's available if you have love line with Cem)

- Reminisce. 20 neon - Şehzade was happy to share his hobby with you.

- Let those thoughts go. - uninfluenced

7. Medium: My helplessness and an inability to do anything.... (It's available if you have Cem is ≤30)

- Is annoying. +1 Courage

- Is upsetting. +1 Humility

- Leaves time for reflection. +1 Intrigue

8. The choice of clothes: 

- Golden dust - uninfluenced 

- Rose wine/Osman night 40 neon, +5 Respect

9. Shouldn't I do my hair differently?

- Yes. 15 neon, +1 Respect

- No. - uninfluenced

10. Medium: Should I ask how Anthea became a favorite? 

- I should. 15 neon, +1 Respect, +2 Intrigue

- No. - uninfluenced


If you have paid clothes/hairstyle, +1 Respect

If you have bought the sword in the previous episode, +1 Respect

If you have Çiçek Sultan ≥10: Çiçek likes you.

If you have Çiçek Sultan ≤10: You don't have a good relationship with Çiçek.

If the main character haven't received the scarf: Çiçek Sultan is disappointed with your behavior, -1 Çiçek, -1 Respect 

If the main character haven't stayed in the Shahzade's chambers: Çiçek Sultan will not be lenient with you, -5 Çiçek

11. Max: This is...

- Irem Kalfa. -2 Respect

- Melek Kalfa. -2 Respect, -5 Melek

- Bulut Agha. - uninfluenced

Your decision will have consequences.

12. Medium: Something else I have to do? 

- Bow. +1 Respect, You're mindful of manners. The Sultana noted that.

- Walk out. -1 Respect, You made a mistake. The Sultansha has noted it.

- Kiss the hem of Sultana's dress. -1 Respect

13. Medium: Ayşe!

- Give her a hug. 15 neon, +1 Ayşe

- Suggest to sit down. - uninfluenced

14. Max: I feel...

- Sorry for her. - uninfluenced

- She deserved it. - uninfluenced

15. High: "..."

- Go on. 25 neon, +1 Intrigue, You have learned useful information.

- ... +1 Humility

16. Medium: While Ayşe is here, I can ask more questions.

- Any fresh news about Şehzade Bayezid? 15 neon, +1 Bayezid - Your interest in Bayezid is growing.

- How are the injured girls doing? - uninfluenced

- What you've been doing all this time? 10 neon, +1 Ayşe - Ayşe is pleased that you are concerned about her. Ayşe considers you a good friend.

Chapter 5

Chapter's description: What are you capable of to get what you want?

If you have simultaneously love lines with Cem and Kemal - move to 1-5 

1. High: Better to...

- Intervene. -1 Cem, +1 Courage, You couldn't stay away. - Cem has noticed your attempt to protect Kemal. There may be consequences.

- Keep silent. +1 Humility - Are you willing to let Kemal be responsible for everything on his own?

2. High: I didn't expect it to be so soon...

- Cem may hate me. +1 Cem, -1 Kemal - You're more concerned about Cem's reaction. Kemal noticed your glances.

- Şehzade may hurt Kemal. -1 Cem, +1 Kemal - Your greatest concern is Kemal's fate. Cem has noticed your dismay.

If you have had the intimacy with Kemal - move to 3

3. High: I should...

- Try to justify myself. 30 neon, +1 Kemal, -1 Cem - Cem would forgive a lot of things, but betrayal... -30 Cem - Your attempt failed, but Kemal is grateful you tried.

- Accept my fate. -1 Kemal - You realize what you have done. Kemal believed in you more than you believed in him. The truth broke his heart. -20 Kemal

If you haven't had the intimacy with Kemal but you have had interactions with him: 

Your attempt failed, but Kemal is grateful you tried.

Your betrayal has shattered the Şehzade's trust. -10 Cem 

It's over between you two.

Cem is not going to continue a relationship with you.

4. High: I can...

- Step between them. 15 neon, +1 Kemal, -1 Cem - Cem is disappointed in both of you.

- Persuade them with words. - You are not good at persuasion., Kemal believed in you more than you believed in him. The truth broke his heart. -10 Kemal

If you have had the intimacy with Kemal:

Cem is deeply disappointed in you. Your relationship is over.

5. Max: Şehzade...

- I will take the punishment for Kemal. 50 neon - Cem has accepted your choice. It's over between you two. -20 Cem, You saved Kemal's life.

- Please be merciful. - Kemal will pay with his life for your games with both of them.

6. Max: Is another one worth the risk? 

- Worth it. 50 neon, +1 Kemal, +1 Courage - If Kemal is a prisoner: You may still have a chance to save Kemal.

- It's not. -1 Kemal, +1 Humility - If Kemal is a prisoner: You're not willing to risk it for another meeting with Kemal.

7. Max: I don't want...

- To argue with you. 30 neon, +1 Respect - You've decided not to spoil your relationship with Şirin. That will play out.

- To explain anything to you. - You continue to feud with Şirin. Is that wise?

If Cem has send you to Melek, has apologized and you have had interactions with Selim - move to 8

If Cem hasn't send you to Melek, hasn't apologized and you haven't had interactions with Selim - move to 9 

8. Max: Am I ready to take a risk for Selim?

- I am. +1 Selim

- I'm not. - uninfluenced

If you have love line with Cem and low relations with Kemal: Cem was happy to please you.

9. Medium: This is...

- Annoying. - uninfluenced

- Surprising. +1 Humility 

- Intriguing. +1 Intrigue

If you have Çiçek Sultan is ≤ 15: Çiçek Sultan has not supported you.

If you have Çiçek Sultan is ≥ 15: Your efforts and the Şehzade's sympathy have borne fruit.

10. High: "..."

- To bow to the Sultana. +1 Respect 

- To look at Anthea. +1 Anthea, -1 Respect 

- To look at Şirin. -1 Respect, +1 Şirin

11. High: Should I ask what she meant? 

- I should. +1 Courage, -1 Respect - Your intemperance has unpleasantly surprised the Sultana.

- No, I don't think so. +1 Respect, +1 Humility

12.  High: "..."

- To see Cem more often. +1 Cem/+2 Cem (The choice is available if you have love line with Cem or you haven't love line with Cem/Kemal and you haven't had interactions with Selim)

- To visit Selim in the garden. +2 Selim (The choice is available if you have love line with Cem/Kemal and you have had interactions with Selim or you have only had interactions with Selim)

- A monetary reward. +1 Intrigue 

- Private chambers. - uninfluenced (The choice is available if you have been deprived of status)

- To write to my parents. +1 Courage (The choice is available if you have love line with Kemal and he's not a prisoner) 

- To see Kemal more often. +1 Kemal (The choice is available if you have love line with Kemal and he's not a prisoner)

13. Medium: What...

- Will happen to those who lose? +1 Courage - Çiçek Sultan likes your prudence.

- If all of us are good? +1 Intrigue, +1 Çiçek - Çiçek Sultan appreciates your respect for others.

- If I don't have any talents? +1 Humility, -1 Respect - You underestimate yourself.

14. High: "..."

- It was Şirin. 30 neon - uninfluenced, move to 14.1

- No one. - uninfluenced 

- It was Anthea. 30 neon (The choice is available if you have love line with Anthea) +2 Anthea - Your feelings for Anthea are stronger than any argument.

14.1 High: Don't worry.

- I am not like you. I don't hide behind a mistress. +1 Courage 

- I don't have to bribe anyone to get what I want. +1 Respect

14.1.1 Max: I should...

- Ally with Şirin. 30 neon - You have found an unexpected ally.

- Think it over. - uninfluenced - You lost an opportunity to make an ally.

15. Max: I think I'll... (The choice is available if you have love line with Kemal)

- Go to the armory. 40 neon, +1 Kemal - You are willing to put yourself at risk just to see Kemal.

- Go to the garden. 30 neon, +1 Selim - You fascinate Selim. (The choice is available if you have had interactions with Selim)

- Walk around the palace. - uninfluenced - You've learned something intriguing.

16. Max: I think I'll choose to… (The choice is available if you have love line with Cem/Anthea)

- Go to the garden. 30 neon, +1 Selim - You fascinate Selim. (The choice is available if you have had interactions with Selim)

- Go to the library. 30 neon, +1 Cem - You both miss each other. Şehzade wants to be close to you., move to 16.1

- Walk around the palace. - uninfluenced - You've learned something intriguing.

16.1 High: "..."

- I have to give it a try. 10 neon, +1 Cem - You're ready to take a step towards.

- It takes time. - uninfluenced

17. Low: And I will choose...

- The harp. - uninfluenced 

- The dance. - uninfluenced

18. Max: "..."

- I need to practice. 30 neon, +1 Respect - You've done your best to perform well.

- I need to rest. -1 Respect

19. The choice of clothes:

- Sapphire and gold. - uninfluenced 

- Midas Night. 25 neon, +5 Respect

- Sea breeze. 35 neon, +5 Respect

20. The choice of hairstyles:

- Gold. - uninfluenced 

- Copper/Platinum. 25 neon - uninfluenced

21. Low: Her dance...

- Was good. - uninfluenced 

- Left me indifferent. - uninfluenced

If you have chosen "I need to practice": Your efforts have not been in vain. +1 Respect

If you have chosen "I need to rest": You relied on luck and it failed you. -1 Respect

If you have chosen "Ally with Şirin": It's good to have an ally. Şirin considers you an ally. It's bringing the first results. 

Anything is possible in a fair fight.

If you have chosen "Think it over": Every man for himself, right?

If Cem hasn't apologized completely and the main character is trying to regain trust: Cem is convinced once again that you're the best.


22. Medium: "..."

- Calm them down. +1 Respect 

- Do not interfere. +1 Humility

Chapter 6

Chapter's name: The eldest Şehzade.

Chapter's description: Şehzade Bayazid's arrival would shake the peace and order of the harem.

If you have chosen: "I need to practice." in the chapter 5: +3 Respect 

If you haven't chosen: "I need to practice." but you have chosen: "Ally with Şirin." in the chapter 5: +1 Respect

If you haven't selected any of the options: -1 Respect 

1. High: Yeah, I wish...

- see Cem more often. - As a reward for your efforts, you get a date with Cem.

- … to roam freely in the harem. - The freedom gained will allow you to see Selim more often.

- ... an increased pay. +30 Akche, Now you have extra money. Use it wisely.

- ... a private chamber. - uninfluenced, You have your own chambers now.

If you have only love line with Cem/Kemal/you haven't lost your status: A little effort would help you get what you want.

2. High: Should I be concerned about his arrival?

- Yes. +1 Humility 

- No. +1 Bayazid, +1 Courage, You don't judge people based on others' opinions.

3. Low: Should I ask what to expect from the arrival of Şehzade Bayazid?

- Yes. - uninfluenced 

- No. - uninfluenced 

If you have love line with Anthea: Your bond with Anthea is growing stronger.

If you have entered into a union with Anthea in the chapter 4: Your alliance with Anthea has grown stronger.

If you haven't entered into a union with Anthea in the chapter 4: Anthea is still ready to defend you.

4. Max: What to do?

- Take Anthea's side. 40 neon (The choice is available if Anthea has won and you have love line with her) /Support Anthea. (The choice is available if Anthea has won and you haven't love line with her) - Your bond with Anthea is growing stronger. +2 Anthea / Anthea is pleasantly surprised by your intervention.

- Stay away. -5 Respect

- Support Şirin. 40 neon (The choice is available if Şirin has won or you haven't love line with Anthea) - Şirin is pleasantly surprised by your intervention., Şirin sees you as an ally., You and Anthea are strangers now.

5. Max: ...

- Wait for Melek. 35 neon, +1 Intrigue, +1 Respect, move to 5.1

- Leave. - uninfluenced 

5.1 Medium: ...

- You're the very best person I can talk to. +1 Melek

- Is there anything you don't know? - uninfluenced 

5.2 Max: ...

- How did Şehzade Mustafa die? 20 neon, +1 Respect, You've learned something very curious.

- Say nothing. - uninfluenced

If you have chosen in 1: "to see Cem more often": You have a special place in the Şehzade's heart. +2 Cem

6. High: ... (The choice is available if you have chosen in 1: "to roam freely in the harem.")

- I can't take my eyes off his lips. 15 neon, +1 Selim, Selim may have had the same thoughts., move to 6.1

- I have to come over. - uninfluenced, move to 6.1

6.1 High: ...

- Get any closer. 25 neon, +1 Selim - In life, there are no absolute certainties. No matter what, Selim is ready to die for one more kiss.

- Definitely not. - uninfluenced 

7. Low: ...

- Clarify. - uninfluenced 

- Say nothing. - uninfluenced 

- Tease back. - uninfluenced 

8. High: How nice it would be if the door opened now and... (The choice is available if you have chosen in 1: "a private chamber.")

-  ...Anthea would come in. 18 neon, +1 Anthea - Thanks to your efforts, you have a place to date.

- … Kemal would would come in. 18 neon, +1 Kemal - Thanks to your efforts, you have a place to date.

- ...Mom would come in. - uninfluenced - The past hurts you a little less. 

9. High: ...

- Bypass the man. +1 Humility 

- Glare at him. 30 neon, +1 Bayazid, +1 Courage, move to 9.1

9.1 High: ... 

- Slap him. 15 neon, +1 Bayazid - Şehzade Bayazid is interested in you.

- Kick his balls. 15 neon, +1 Bayazid - Şehzade Bayazid is interested in you.

- Stand still. - uninfluenced - Şehzade Bayazid is interested in you.

10. High: ...

- Tell her what happened. +1 Ayşe

- Say nothing. +1 Intrigue 

11. Medium: And why does every conversation revolve around...

- Şehzade Bayazid? +1 Bayazid

- New dresses? - uninfluenced 

12. The choice of clothes:

- Modest - uninfluenced 

- Charming 20 neon, +2 Respect 

- Seductive 35 neon, +2 Respect

13. The choice of hairstyles: 

- Collected - uninfluenced 

- Loose 25 neon, +2 Respect

Chapter 7

The chapter's name: Brothers. 

The chapter's description: They were as different as day and night.

1. Medium: He is...

- Not as bad as they say. +1 Bayazid - Şehzade Bayazid doesn't scare you.

- Just like the girls said he was. -1 Bayazid - You don't trust the Şehzade.

2. Medium: ...

- Answer him. +1 Bayazid

- Keep silent. - uninfluenced 

3. Medium: If I had a choice,..

- I'd agree with a pleasure. - Şehzade knows you lied.

- I'd rather scrub pots than stand here. +1 Bayazid - Şehzade was surprised by your honesty.

4. At...

- Anthea. +1 Anthea 

- Bayazid. +1 Bayazid

- The door. - uninfluenced 

- Cem. +1 Cem

- Kemal. +1 Kemal 

5. Max: Not for my sake, but for the sake of... (The choice is available if you have had the love line simultaneously with Cem and Kemal in the previous chapters, the latter of whom was ordered to be executed)

- Kemal's father. (30 neons) - Çiçek Sultan will help you.

- Kemal. - Çiçek Sultan will not help you.

6. Medium: (The choice is available if you haven't the love line with Cem and have betrayed Bulut Agha in the chapter 4)


- Aren't you afraid of being punished for this? +1 Courage 

- Melek, calm down. You're scaring me. - uninfluenced 

If you haven't love line with Cem and have betrayed Bulut Agha in the chapter 4 - You've made a serious enemy. -10 Melek 

If you haven't love line with Cem and have betrayed Irem in the chapter 4 - You'd better not come back to the Old Palace again

7. Medium: (The choice is available if you betrayed Melek in the chapter 4)

- Are you threatening me? +1 Courage, -10 Melek - You have made two enemies at once.

- You're right. +1 Humility, -10 Melek - You have made two enemies at once.

8. Max: (The choice is available if you have Cem is ≥ 30 or you have had the intimacy with him or you have only love line with him) 


- Tell him what happened. (20 neons) +2 Cem 

- Keep silent. - uninfluenced 

9. Max: ...

- About what? +1 Courage 

- Not here. (30 neons) +1 Respect, +1 Intrigue - move to 9.1-9.2 

9.1 High: ...

- Where have Bayazid and Cem gone? - You have learned something interesting.

- What is this big feast? - You learn a little more about Cem's plans.

- What do the guards say about Şehzade's visit? - uninfluenced

9.2 Medium: And what is your plan? Do you want me to…

- Follow him? +1 Intrigue 

- Ask him? - uninfluenced 

10. High: (The choice is available if you have love line with Kemal)


- We have to go. - uninfluenced 

- Give me a kiss. (30 neons) +1 Kemal 

11. Medium: ...

- I don't care. +1 Humility

- It's boring without them. +1 Intrigue 

12. Low: ...

- The hamam? - uninfluenced 

- Why? - uninfluenced 

13. Low: (The choice is available if Şirinb/ Antea has come to sink) 

- Keep silent. - uninfluenced 

- To please? - uninfluenced

If you have betrayed Melek or Bulut Agha - Melek has come to sink

If you and Anthea are enemies - Anthea 

In other circumstances - Şirin

14. High: ...

- I heard footsteps moving away. - uninfluenced 

- And I felt a touch. (22 neons) +1 Bayazid

Chapter 8

The chapter's name: Suspicions.

The chapter's description: A man's greatness is in his hands.

If you haven't the love line or you have the love line with Bayazid, Play as Ayşe. Move to 2, 9. 

If you have Cem is ≥33, Play as Cem. Move to 1-2.

If you have Anthea is ≥30, Play as Anthea. Move to 3-5.

If you have love line with Kemal and he's not in prison, Play as Kemal. Move to 6-8.1.

1. High: ...

— I want to see her. (15 neon) +2 Cem. You mean a lot to the Şehzade.

— I leave her with you. - uninfluenced 

2. Max: ...

— To tell the truth. - uninfluenced 

— To lie that I didn't remember. - uninfluenced 

If you have Cem is ≥35, Cem trusts you completely.

3. Medium: ...

— Ask permission to see her. (15 neon) +2 Anthea

— Thank her and leave. - uninfluenced 

4. Max: ...

— To tell the truth. - uninfluenced. Anthea is planning to avenge you.

— To lie that I didn't remember. - uninfluenced. You endeavour to keep Anthea safe.

5. Medium: ...

— To kiss Anthea. (30 neon) +2 Anthea

— Hold her tight. - uninfluenced 

6. Medium: Can I...

— have a look at Gizem Hatun? (15 neon) +1 Kemal

— Can I ask how soon she'll recover? - uninfluenced 

7. Max: ...

— To lie that I didn't remember. - uninfluenced. Kemal trusts you. Kemal couldn't refuse your request.

— To tell the truth. - uninfluenced.  Kemal will make whoever did this to you pay. Kemal will make sure that the culprit pays in full.

8. High: ...

— Explain yourself! (35 neon) +2 Kemal. Move to 8.1 

— Go away. -5 Kemal

8.1 Medium: Kemal...

— Easy. - uninfluenced 

— Kisses won't help you! - uninfluenced

9. The choice of clothes:

— Emerald. - uninfluenced 

— Sapphire. (20 neon) +2 Respect

— Garnet. (25 neon) +2 Respect

10. Low: ...

— Do you have nothing better to do? - uninfluenced

— So pathetic. - uninfluenced 

11. Low: ...

— You had no choice? - uninfluenced 

— You had to? - uninfluenced 

If you have Bayazid is ≤5, Bayazid isn't sure he's interested in you.

If you have Bayazid is ≥5, Bayazid is very interested in you.

12. Max: But can I do that, knowing that I owe him my life?

—Yes. -2 Bayazid 

— No. +2 Bayazid 

13. High: ...

— No, I am not interested in you. - uninfluenced 

— And what kind of man are you? +1 Bayazid 

If you have Respect is ≥70, The path of high Respect 

If you have Respect is ≤70, The path of low Respect 

If you have love line with Anthea, You'd do anything for Anthea.

14. Max: ... (The choice is available if you have love line with Anthea) 

— We'll tell Kemal everything. - uninfluenced. Your choices will have consequences.

— We won't tell anyone. - uninfluenced. Your choices will have consequences.

15. Max: After all, the Şehzade... (The choice is available if you have love line with Cem)

— Bayazid is right. +3 Bayazid -3 Cem. Cem is disappointed in you.

— Cem is right. +3 Cem -3 Bayazid. Bayazid is disappointed in you. A relationship is no longer possible.


1 Comment

Ellaria Stark
Ellaria Stark
Jul 26, 2024

Please update the episode 7 walkthrough

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